Specific objectives


Although the Algarve is a comparatively safe place to live, we all have a collective responsibility in helping the authorities prevent crime. SCA was formed following consultation with police as it was clear that there is a need to foster closer police public engagement with the aim of achieving greater collaboration in preventing crime.

The name “Safe Communities Algarve” has been chosen as it reflects the work that the government is already taking to help keep the Algarve a safe place to live, and also because the word “communities” enshrines both residents and visitors.


The aim of SCA is to promote safer communities, enhance security awareness and reduce the risk of becoming a victim of crime.

Specific Objectives

In achieving the aim SCA’s specif objectives are:

  • In collaboration with police providing crime prevention advice to residents and visitors to the Algarve.
  • Helping the police authorities communicate and promote their various programs and initiatives to the community so the latter have more information about policing and crime prevention.
  • Encouraging active support within the community of the police effort to promote crime prevention and safe communities.
  • Providing a forum of experience and expertise in the private sector that contribute to public safety and security in the region.